Mist, Lighting
November 2024
Berlin, Germany
This poetic installation explores the tenuous line between reality and illusion, reminding us that much of what we perceive may be constructs of our sensory apparatus—a virtual reality with no tangible substance. By projecting the moon's phases, a timeless symbol of natural cycles and impermanence, onto a delicate layer of mist, the work creates a sensory paradox. The audience encounters a presence that feels both palpable and ephemeral, an experience that blurs the boundaries of the real and the unreal, provoking reflection on the nature of perception and existence.
The title Oboro resonates deeply with the theme; in Japanese, it signifies something hazy, dreamy, or faint, while Oborozuki describes the soft, faint appearance of the moon on a misty night, encapsulating the ephemeral beauty and ambiguity central to this experience.
The title Oboro resonates deeply with the theme; in Japanese, it signifies something hazy, dreamy, or faint, while Oborozuki describes the soft, faint appearance of the moon on a misty night, encapsulating the ephemeral beauty and ambiguity central to this experience.